Seeking the music of the Islands, without political strings
IN the Falklands last week was an Argentine TV team with a difference.
The four-strong group, who produce a programme called MP3 Gira Latina for the Argentine TV Channel 7, have travelled nearly 82,000 kms during the past year, searching out and recording local music and musicians, throughout the whole of the South American Continent.
Barely hours after their arrival at Mount Pleasant, the team was filming in the Trough, night-spot home of the Fighting Pig Band, our very own answer to the Rolling Stones, at least in terms of longevity.
Later during the week, the group’s presenter, singer Bahiano, who is credited with introducing
reggae to Argentina and cameraman- guitarist Andres Irigoyen, jammed with the Fighting Pigs at a rehearsal, including playing a version of Bahiano’s latest hit, Tarde Gris (Grey Afternoon).
Film of this session will form the basis of one of the three programmes recorded by the group
during their stay in the Falklands.
Inevitably, even though the group insisted on their lack of interest in political things, they took
the opportunity to make what is described on their web site ( as “a
journey to the remnants of the madness” (viaje a los vestigios de la locura). This part of their programme will feature songs composed by ex-combatants about the 1982 conflict.
After visiting old Argentine positions near Stanley, the MP3 web site writer stated, “It is
shocking to think that there were hundreds of young guys, no more than 19 years of age, receiving orders from people who obviously knew little about how to either attck or defend themselves. Suffering hunger, cold...”
The title for the third programme is Penguins and Accordions and is about the music and
the musicians, which the group encountered during their week in the Islands.
Apart from the members of the Fighting Pig Band, the group met up with several other Falklands musicians including Martin Plato and Ian Goss.
The penguin reference in the title comes from the group’s visit to Bluff Cove Lagoon, where they
were “struck dumb” by the sight of the penguins and then listened to some traditional accordion music played by Penguin News’s own Jenny Cockwell.
2 comentarios:
Dont worry Bahiano..we have the translator
You nicely summed up the issue. I would add that this doesn’t exactly concenplate often. xD Anyway, good post…
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